Song: Always on my Mind
Artist: Tiki Taane
Songwriter: Tiki Taane
Album: Past, Present and Future
Release date: 2007
Genre: Reggae
Key: F# Minor
Chords in Key:
i |
ii |
iv |
v |
VI |
F#m |
G#° |
A |
Bm |
C#m |
D |
E |
Always on my Mind is written for guitar and vocals.
Always on my Mind starts with the tonic chord, and a descending melodic flourish. The verse is played with a reggae strum, where the accents fall on the second and fourth beat of the bars, rather than on the more common first and third beats. This is done by palm muting the strings on the downstroke and taking the palm muting off on the upstroke of the chords.
Key change to B Minor
Chords in Key:
i |
ii |
iv |
v |
VI |
Bm |
C#° |
D |
Em |
F#m |
G |
A |
The chorus changes the tonal centre to Bm, by naturalising the G# to G in the dominant chord. This could also be considered a mixture chord in F#m, where it would be called a ♭II; either interpretation could be considered correct. When viewed as a modulation to Bm, the chord progression uses a plagal cadence when it repeats. The post chorus is a simplified version of the verse pattern, with lead guitar breaks between the chords.
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