The Checks

In the early 2000s when numerous bands were on Auckland stages recreating their parent’s record collections, one group of high school students set the standard for what was achievable.

From dragging 15-year old kids to their live shows out of a sense of school pride, to touring with Oasis, REM and The Hives, The Checks were never shy about wearing their influences on their sleeves. And in a youthful Devonport music scene, their approach was bang on.

The wraparound Volume cover, November 2011
Tired From Sleeping (2003 Smokefree Rockquest video)
That One On The Right ( Live to air, Red Bull Studios, Auckland, NZ, June 07)
The Checks at the 2011 Marlborough Wine Festival
Photo credit: Photo by Scott Hammond
The Checks before AC/DC, February 2010
The Checks and new friends
There Is A Field
Ed Knowles and Sven Petersen in Richard Morris' studio The Bus, Devonport, Auckland
Photo credit: Photo by Richard Morris
Ready To Die
The Checks in 2010, L to R: Jacob Moore, Sven Pettersen, Ed Knowles, Callum Martin, and Karel Chabera
There is a Field (accompanied by Auckland Youth Orchestra, at Bruce Mason Centre, Auckland, August 2010)
You And Me
PNC - Let Your Lover Know feat. The Checks
Ballroom Baby
Candyman Shimmer
The Checks before AC/DC, February 2010
Perfect Lover
The Checks before AC/DC, February 2010
NZ Musician August/September 2007
Tired of Sleeping - Live @ The FADER Sideshow NYC
Terribly Easy ( Live to air, Red Bull Studios, Auckland, NZ, June 07)
The 2012 Australian tour
The Checks' setlist at Napier's Cabana Hotel, May 2008
The Checks appeared on a Mojo cover CD, selected by REM's Michael Stipe.

The Checks and Shihad opened for AC/DC at Western Springs, Auckland Thursday February 4, 2010.

Since the band’s demise, The Checks have pursued individual endeavours, some musical and some otherwise. Jacob Moore has played drums for UK based band Splashh, alongside vocalist Sasha Carlson. Karel Chabera moved to Australia and to work as a video game developer, while Callum Martin has studied in Wellington. Pettersen and Knowles formed the group Racing and have issued multiple releases in the years since.

In October 2011 CNN sent a camera crew to Auckland. One of the acts they spent time with was The Checks.


Edward Knowles - guitar, vocals

Karel Chabera - bass

Jacob Moore - drums

Sven Pettersen - guitar

Callum Martin - guitar



Full Time Hobby

Pie Club Records

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