
The early 2000s was a promising time for New Zealand bands. The Datsuns had become the darlings of British music media and had just signed to V2 Records, while The D4 was also riding high on the garage rock revival wave and scoring high-profile appearances on TV shows like Late Night with David Letterman.

The success of these bands put a spotlight on local acts and it wouldn’t be long until Steriogram followed in their path. Although Steriogram never felt the love from critics like those other bands did, it would see some huge success overseas. But before the buzz and the flash music videos, their story begins in 1999 when Brad Carter moved from Whangarei to Auckland and met his future bandmates Tyson Kennedy and Tim Youngson at their local church.

Steriogram - White Trash (2001)
Steriogram in Los Angeles in a record company shoot by top rock photographer Mark Seliger. From left: Jared Wrennall, Brad Carter, Tyson Kennedy, Jake Adams, Tim Youngson.
Photo credit: Mark Seliger, courtesy EMI NZ Ltd.  
Brad Carter, Steriogram.
Photo credit: Garry Brandon
Steriogram. From left: Jared Wrennall, Brad Carter, Tyson Kennedy, Jake Adams, Tim Youngson.
Photo credit: Mark Seliger
Photo credit: Garry Brandon
Steriogram performing live. Front row from left: Tyson Kennedy, Brad Carter. Second row from left: Tim Youngson, Jake Adams. Jared Wrennal on drums.
Photo credit: Craig Baxter
Steriogram at the Joshua Tree, 2010. From left: Brad Carter, Jared Wrennall, Tyson Kennedy, Tim Yougson, Jake Adams.
Steriogram outside Parliament buildings, Wellington.
Steriogram onstage outside Parliament buildings, Wellington. From left: Tim Youngson, Tyson Kennedy, Brad Carter, Jared Wrennall (drums, obscured), Jake Adams. 
Steriogram with Parliament buildings in background.
Steriogram - Just Like You
Steriogram tour poster, 2005.
Brad Carter and Jake Adams, Steriogram.
Photo credit: Garry Brandon
Steriogram - This Is Not the Target Market (Short Stack Records, 2006)
Steriogram - Taping the Radio (Bedroom Empire, 2010)
Mareea Paterson in the US with members of Steriogram (Tim Youngson on left, Tyson Kennedy second from right) and Dave Gibson and Justyn Pilbrow of Elemeno P.
Photo credit: Mareea Paterson Collection
Steriogram - Moving On
Steriogram. Clockwise from top left: Brad Carter, Tyson Kennedy, Jake Adams, Tim Youngson, Jared Wrennall.
Photo credit: Mark Seliger
Steriogram's Tyson Kennedy singing among the crowd outside Parliament in Wellington.
Steriogram performing live. Front row from left: Tyson Kennedy, Brad Carter. Second row from left Tim Youngson, Jake Adams. Jared Wrennal on drums. 
Photo credit: Craig Baxter
Tyson Kennedy, Steriogram.
Photo credit: Garry Brandon
Steriogram - Schmack! (Capitol Records, 2004)
Tyson Kennedy, Steriogram.
Photo credit: Garry Brandon
Steriogram goofing off, from left to right: Jake Adams, Tyson Kennedy, Tim Youngson, Jake Wrennall, Brad Carter.
Photo credit: Mark Seliger
Steriogram - Sweet As For You (Capitol, 2003)
Tyson Kennedy out above the crowd at Big Day Out.
Steriogram - On and On
Steriogram - Walkie Talkie Man single (EMI, 2003)
Tyson Kennedy, Steriogram
Photo credit: Garry Brandon
Steriogram: Jake Adams, Tim Youngson, Tyson Kennedy, Jared Wrennall (sitting), Brad Carter.
Steriogram - Soccerstar
Steriogram - Walkie Talkie Man (2004)
Steriogram, from left to right: Jared Wrennall, Brad Carter, Tyson Kennedy, Jake Adams, Tim Youngson.
Photo credit: Mark Seliger
Steriogram performing live. Front row from left: Tyson Kennedy, Brad Carter. Second row from left: Tim Youngson, Jake Adams. Jared Wrennal on drums.
Photo credit: Craig Baxter
Steriogram - Go

Brad Carter - vocals, guitar

Tyson Kennedy - vocals, drums

Tim Youngson - guitar, vocals

Jake Adams - bass, vocals

Jared Wrennall - drums, vocals


Capitol Records


Short Stack Records

Bedroom Empire

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