Ruia and Ranea Aperahama

Twins Hareruia (Ruia) and Kua Ranea (Ranea) Aperahama first began grooving in their mother’s womb before becoming an integral part of reviving te reo Māori through reggae rhythms, gaining a raft of awards along the way for performing and recording excellence.

By the 1990s the brothers were well known throughout the country, and particularly in Māori homes, largely due to their involvement in Southside of Bombay and their Māori language recordings of Bob Marley songs. Their own compositions are a crossover of reggae, Pacific rhythms and world music, often with tight brass arrangements or indigenous expressions that explore what it means to be Māori in a nation still coming to terms with its Treaty of Waitangi-based bicultural heritage.

Ranea Aperahama - Te Pako O Matariki
Southside of Bombay: Kevin Hodges, Warren Maxwell, Maaka McGregor, Ranea Aperahama, Elliot Fuimaono, David Fiu, Joe Fa'amaoni.
Ruia - Hawaiki
Ruia Aperahama.
Ranea Aperahama and band.
Ranea Aperahama.
Ruia and Ranea - Whare Maori.
Southside Of Bombay - What's The Time Mr Wolf (1991, NZ On Screen)
Ranea Aperahama.
Southside of Bombay, 1992 - back from left: Anne Prichard, Brent Thompson, Kua-Ranea Abraham, centre: Joe Ewens, Evan Williams, Kevin Hodges, Hareruia Abraham, front: David Fiu.
Photo credit: Photo by Ian Robertson
Ranea Aperahama performing with Southside of Bombay, 2018.
Photo credit: Chris Traill
Ruia and Ranea - Waiata of Bob Marley
Sons of Zion, Ruia Aperahama poster, 2010.
Ranea Aperahama, Southside of Bombay, 2018.
Photo credit: Chris Traill
Ruia and Ranea - Waiata of Bob Marley
Ranea Aperahama and band.
Ranea Aperahama.
Te Reo A Te Mangai 1924 World Tour Band.
Southside of Bombay. Front row from left: Anne Prichard, Kevin Hotu, David Fiu. Back row from left: Brent Thompson, Ranea Aperahama, Campbell Tuiri, Ruia Aperahama, Joe Ewens.
Photo credit: Woolf Photography
The publicity shot for Māori TV's 2012 Songs From The Inside, with Ruia Aperahama, Maisey Rika, Anika Moa and Warren Maxwell.
Ruia Aperahama in Southside of Bombay.
Ranea Aperahama.
Ruia Aperahama.
Ranea Aperahama.
Ruia Aperahama, Southside of Bombay, 2018.
Photo credit: Chris Traill
Ruia Aperahama performing.
Ruia Aperahama, Southside of Bombay, 2018.
Photo credit: Chris Traill
Ruia Aperahama, Southside of Bombay, 2018.
Photo credit: Chris Traill
Ranea Aperahama.
Ruia Aperahama in radio journalist mode.
Ranea Aperahama.
T.W. Rātana and Bishop Juji Nakada c1927.
Ruia Aperahama with the 2004 Maioha award for 'E Tae'
Ruia Aperahama on vocals and David Fiu on trumpet in Southside Of Bombay, Waitangi Day, 2018.
Photo credit: Chris Traill
Poster of a performance by Ruia Aperahama and band, Palmerston North, 2012.
Ranea Aperahama - Tihei Mauri Ora
Ruia Aperahama.
Ruia Aperahama singing in Southside of Bombay, 2018.
Photo credit: Chris Traill
Ranea Aperahama.
Ranea Aperahama, Southside of Bombay, 2018.
Photo credit: Chris Traill



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