Chris Chetland

He’s “Mr Kog”, the main brain behind the mainframe of the label that came to define New Zealand electronic music in the late 1990s and early 2000s: Kog Transmissions.

Start ferreting around for information about Chris Chetland, however, and you soon get dizzy at the multiplicity of endeavours the label owner, studio owner, musician, producer and mastering engineer has taken on. And in fact, just as you think you’re starting to get your head around Chetland, he’ll casually mention some other curious collaboration.

Baitercell, King's Arms, Auckland, c2008
Working with JGeeks
Gimme video shoot
Chris Chetland with friends in his metal band days
Chris Chetland in the studio
Baitercell, Kingsland studio
In the studio, 2008 with Dawn Raid's Andy Murnane, Phil Bell (then Back2 Basics editor), Savage, Chris Chetland and P-Money.
Photo credit: Simon Grigg collection
Ghosts video shoot
Chris Chetland at Revolver Studio, Auckland 
NZ Music Awards, 2015
Kog releases
Still from a Juice TV interview with Baitercell and Bex Riley 
Chris Chetland, Revolver Studio, Auckland
Baitercell at Titirangi Festival of Music
Chris Chetland and P-Money, 2008.
Photo credit: Simon Grigg collection
Baitercell - Andrew Manning and Chris Chetland
Baitercell and Schumacher, The Wall of Bass Technique
Chris Chetland
P-Money, Chris Chetland and Dawn Raid's Andy Murnane, 2008. 
Photo credit: Simon Grigg collection
Chris Chetland and David Dallas at the launch of Back2Basics magazine, August 2005
Photo credit: Photo by Greg Long. Simon Grigg collection.
Chris Chetland in his studio
Photo credit: Stu-Fu-at-Cyclops-Aperture
Baitercell and Schumacher

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