
As anyone who was there will tell you, Auckland band Steam played some of their most unforgettable gigs in the rehearsal room. Their recordings, made in the early 1990s, might not have reached the public, but for a brief period Steam were a band to keep your eye on.

Socially connected to the musical and artistic underground and the Auckland based Flying Nun label, the highlight of Steam’s short existence was a blistering, pulsing set at the Gluepot, Auckland, playing as support for The 3Ds. But they went their separate ways after a disastrous gig that saw lead singer Chris Mckibbin disappear into the night, not to be heard from again for many years.

Steam's No Shoes No Home appeared on one side of a Peter King Lathe Cut single (the other side was by Womb) given away with an edition of Captain Stupid Comics in 1995. It was their only appearance on record.
Chris Mckibbin
Photo credit: Nick Kreisler
Steam - L to R: Chris Mckibbin, Danny Mañetto, Nick Kreisler, Robert Key
Photo credit: Nick Kreisler
Robert Key
Photo credit: Nick Kreisler
Danny Mañetto
Photo credit: Nick Kreisler
Nick Kreisler
Photo credit: Nick Kreisler

Chris Mckibbin - vocals, guitar

Nick Kreisler - bass

Danny Mañetto - vocals, drums, guitar

Robert Key - drums

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