Gray Bartlett

aka Graeme Bartlett, Graham Bartlett

A business card for Gray Bartlett could describe his work in one word: a player. As a guitarist and promoter he has been a prominent member of the New Zealand music industry for nearly 60 years. ‘La Playa’ is also the name of his biggest hit, a guitar instrumental first released in 1964 by Zodiac that became a perennial seller in Asia.

But that modest description – “player” – only hints at the activities of someone who has worn countless hats in many roles over several decades. Bartlett’s work as a guitarist and promoter have taken him around the world as a performer and a businessman. He has produced many recording projects of his own and with others, helped many New Zealand artists reach a wide audience, and seen him champion the local music industry to the public and politicians. For nine years he put himself in the firing line as an Auckland city councillor, and he has even been a Parliamentary candidate.

In Japan – Gray Bartlett, Impact, 1967
The Gray Bartlett Band during That’s Country’s middle years. Left to right: Gary Sammons, Wayne Allen, Gray Bartlett, Paddy Long, Murray Wood, Peter Gillette.
Photo credit: Gary Sammons collection
Brendan Dugan, bass guitarist Greg O’Donnell, Jodi Vaughan, Coronation Street actor Kevin Kennedy and Gray Bartlett, 1990s. 
Photo credit: Jodi Vaughan collection
The Gray Bartlett group, 1965. From left: Warren McMillan, Robin Ruakere, Gray Bartlett, Bruce King and Graeme Summers
Photo credit: Gray Bartlett collection
Gray Bartlett during the photo shoot for the Two Shades of Gray album, 1985
Photo credit: Photo by Trevor Coppock
A 1970s Gray Bartlett publicity shot
Fort Worth mayor Bob Bolen presents Brendan Dugan and Gray Bartlett with a replica key taken to the moon on a NASA mission. The pair presented the key to the Auckland mayor on their return home. 
Photo credit: Photo by Dorothy Hamm
Gray Bartlett, 1974
Photo credit: Gray Bartlett collection
Gray Bartlett, Jodi Vaughan and Brendan Dugan in the early 2000s
Gray Bartlett with rock and roll great Roy Orbison at a CBS party in Nashville.
Photo credit: Gray Bartlett collection
Gary Bartlett - Hands of Fame, Gore, 1994
Photo credit: Michael Colonna
Brendan Dugan and Gray Bartlett participate in an impromptu sing at the Nashville ASCAP offices, early 1980s.
Photo credit: Photo by Dorothy Hamm
Gray Bartlett with his Benny award from the Variety Artists' Club, 2001
Photo credit: Gray Bartlett collection
Gray Bartlett - a portrait by Mike Durney, who in the 1960s recorded for Impact - and toured with Gray - as Big Mike Durney
Photo credit: Mike Durney/Gray Bartlett collection
Billy Connolly with Gray Bartlett 
Photo credit: Gray Bartlett collection
Gray Bartlett and Brendan Dugan perform with Rhapsody in the early 1980s
Photo credit: Jimmy Ellyett collection
Inaugural NZ Country Music Recording Artists Awards winners, Invercargill, 1980. Back, left to right: Les Thomas, Greg and Richard Harrison (Ovation), Maaki Goodwillie, Nola McCrorie, Cole Wilson and Colin McCrorie (The Tumbleweeds), Gray Bartlett, Eddie Low, Noel Burns, Ian Murdoch. Front, left to right: Max McCauley, Helen Harrison and Neville Tosach (Ovation), Patsy Riggir, Suzanne Prentice, Brian McCauley, Noel Parlane. Photo credit: Max McCauley collection
Photo credit: Max McCauley collection
Gray Bartlett on Dixie Chicken, 1987
Four Benny award winners and other friends celebrate Eddie Low's 70th birthday, Cambridge, 2015. From left: Gray Bartlett, Brendan Dugan, Dennis Marsh, Eddie Low, Kim Willoughby, and Tom Sharplin; at right are three of Rusty Greaves's 14 children: Michelle, Kevin and Lex.
Photo credit: Gray Bartlett collection
Brendan Dugan and Gray Bartlett released 'All Black's Song' in 1976, to mark the team's controversial 1976 tour of South Africa
Brendan Dugan performing on the Grand Ole Opry, Nashville, in the early 1980s. Gray Bartlett is to his right. 
Photo credit: Photo by Dorothy Hamm
A young Gray Bartlett
Gray Bartlett plays Apache, Invercargill 2015
David Hartnell, Lou Clauson - holding a Benny award - and Gray Bartlett
Photo credit: Gray Bartlett collection
Gray Bartlett and Brendan Dugan with Fort Worth radio personality Stan Knowles in the early 1980s
Photo credit: Photo by Dorothy Hamm
The International Gold Disc Show in the late 1960s, not to be confused with The Loxene Golden Disc Awards, featuring Gray Bartlett, Billy Belton, Mike Durney, Lew Pryme, Ray Brooks and Yolande Gibson
Gray Bartlett in Japan, 1967
Robert Muldoon, then Leader of the Opposition, receiving a delegation from Gray Bartlett and Brendan Dugan. The duo released a single, 'The Ballad of Robbie Muldoon', in 1975
Photo credit: Gray Bartlett collection
Gray Bartlett, right, as one of the Mary Throll Trio, 1964. At left is Ray Brooks.
Photo credit: Gray Bartlett collection
Brendan Dugan, Grand Ole Opry manager Hal Durham, photographer/publicist Dorothy Hamm, Gray Bartlett and George Hamilton IV backstage at the Grand Ole Opry in the early 1980s. 
Photo credit: Photo by Cathy Martindale
Gentle Annie and the Gray Bartlett Band back up singer Suzanne Prentice (front) on That’s Country, late 1982. Left to right: Murray Wood, Peter Gillette, Paddy Long, Wayne Allen, Gary Sammons, Gray Bartlett, Cath Newhook, Peter Madill, Denny Stanway.
Cast, musicians and crew of the first series of Touch Of Country, June 1976. Gray Bartlett is to the left nursing his guitar, the musicians across the front are Gary Sammons (bass), John Clarke (drums), Peter Gillette (keys) and Canadian pedal steel guitarist Ollie Strong. 
Photo credit: Peter Gillette collection
Gray Bartlett, left, aged four or five, with his brother Douglas, who is three years older. There were eight children in the Bartlett family
Photo credit: Gray Bartlett collection
The Guitars Of Graeme Bartlett, 1963. 
Cast of the TV show The Country Touch, late 1960s. Left to right, Paddy and Chris Lydon, Gray Bartlett, Tex Morton, Big Mike Durney, Val Proctor, Rusty Greaves.
Gray Bartlett, George Hamilton IV and Brendan Dugan backstage at the Grand Ole Opry, Nashville, in the early 1980s.
Gray Bartlett live performance
Gray Bartlett with Tom Jones in the late 1960s
Gray Bartlett in 1967
Clyde Scott and the Senators, from left: Gray Bartlett, Clyde Scott, Peter Common and Bruce King
Photo credit: Gray Bartlett collection
Gray Bartlett and Brendan Dugan, mid-70s
Photo credit: Gray Bartlett collection
Gray Bartlett in the mid-1960s
Gray Bartlett, 1967
Photo credit: Gray Bartlett collection
The cover for 'The Ballad of Robbie Muldoon' single, released on Family in 1975. 
Gray and Daphne Walker, 2014.
Photo credit: Gray Bartlett collection
Brendan Dugan, Aly Cook, Gray Bartlett, 2014.
Variety Artist Club stalwarts Tom Sharplin and David Hartnell present Gray Bartlett with his President's Award, 2017
Photo credit: Gray Bartlett collection
Gray Bartlett, Jodi Vaughan and Brendan Dugan in 2009






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